Ever had twice baked potatoes?
Then I would argue you haven't lived. These things are potatoes made from little fluffy pieces of heaven. They are argueably not healthy for you...they are also arguably some of the best potatoes ever. Read on if your waistline can handle it. If not, wait about half an hour and I'll post my summer vegetable salad recipe!
You'll need:
- 5 - 10 yellow potatoes. Not the huge ones, the mid-sized ones. Make however many you need/want for lunch the next day.
- a smidge of cream cheese
- couple spoonfuls of sour cream
- a sprinkle of cheese (I think I used Monterrey Jack cheese, but you can use cheddar or whatever you've got)
- couple tablespoons of chopped chives
- garlic
- bacon bits? peas and carrots? onions? peppers? Let's be honest... this is a good way to use up your veggies.
- olive oil
- salt and pepper
Ok! First, you want to preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Then, rinse and scrub your potatoes. Throw them on a baking sheet, and drizzle some olive oil on them. You can also add some salt and pepper right now.
Let them bake along all honky dory in the oven for about 45 minutes.
Now, once they've cooled a bit you want to scoop out their souls, so they become shells of their former selves. Like this!
Now, you definitely don't want the souls to go to waste... so mash them up with the cream cheese, cheese, sour cream, garlic, and chives! Plus... any of the extras like bacon bits etc.
Doesn't THAT look appetizing.
Now, take scoops of the stuff, and load them into the potato boats you made earlier.
Now, you just want to stick them back in the oven for about 15 ish minutes!
My roommate Rob is as happy as a clam. What a lucky guy.
Next up! The corn salad you see pictured.
<3 Courtzilla
Courtzilla, I enjoy how you post potatoes right after steak, those two together would make a great meal. me want COOKIES!!