It may come as a surprise... ok it's obvious if you know me at all, I worship the McDonald's breakfast. I don't really eat there too often, unless it's before 10:30am. There's just something about what they put in an Egg McMuffin that gets my engines going. However, I feel like a fatass everytime I go, and in reality these are a cinch to put together. Follow my lead! And shun the Hot Cakes.
You will need:
- An egg
- A english muffin
- A slice of cheese (Kraft Singles, let's keep it real)
- Ham/Sausage/Bacon - whatever
- Salt & Pepper
First! You'll want to get an english muffin, and tear it in half, like so.
Wow, pictures look 10x better in natural light! After you're done marveling at your photographic skillz, place the english muffin in your toaster and...well toast it.
While it's toasting, grab a nonstick pan and spray it with a little canola oil or whatever. Butter/Marg will work too.
Drop your egg in. Don't worry if it gets a little messy, you can just use a fork and kinda pile the outsides on top of itself, like I did. When the egg is almost done on one side, I just plopped a piece of ham on there. The ham's already cooked, so it doesn't take long at all, but if you're doing bacon or sausage or something else, you'll want to start with that.
I also break the yolk, because runny eggs creep me out. Feel free to skip this step if you enjoy the runny-ness. I'm going for authenticity here.
Ok! After that you just flip both the ham and egg over, and continue cooking until the other side of the egg is finished. In the meantime, take your toasted english muffin, and add a slice of cheese to it. No need to put the cheese in the toaster and make a mess, it'll melt just fine when all the hot ingredients are added.
Then, throw on your ham...
Then your egg!
At this point, I added a little salt and pepper, then put the top onto the muffin. Add tobasco if you've got balls. I don't. There, I said it.
I'm Canadian, so it's pretty much a given that I'm going to add ketchup.
Literally, this took maybe 5 minutes. It's perfect for an on the go, healthy breakfast! Serve it with some fruit if you want to round it out a bit, and a big glass of milk.
Hello beautiful.
<3 Courtzilla
My vegan ass can't eat any of this, but I drool every time I read a new post in your blog. If I decide to come back to the dark side, I'm so trying all of these recipes.